Beto O’Rourke Is Surging In Texas As Red Wave Vanishes

Beto O’Rouke is closing in on Gov. Greg Abbott in Texas as what Republicans thought would be a red wave has evaporated.

Beto O’Rourke Is Gaining On Greg Abbott

A new poll from the University of Houston found that Abbott leads O’Rourke 49%-43%:

Abbott holds a 27 percent lead over O’Rourke among White voters, while O’Rourke holds a 72 percent lead over Abbott among Black voters.

When it comes to Latino voters, O’Rouke also holds a 51 percent to 42 percent lead.

O’Rourke also has a 49 percent to 43 percent lead over Abbott among women, while Abbott enjoys a 56 percent to 38 percent lead over O’Rourke among men.

In a recent Fox News appearance, Abbott took his racist dog whistles to a new level, which suggested a growing fear of Beto O’Rouke. It is now clear that O’Rourke has the Republican governor’s lead into the low single digits by running an aggressive anti-incumbent change campaign against the state’s top Republican.

If O’Rourke continues to close the gap, he will have himself in a position to win in November. Beto O’Rourke has already demonstrated that he can be a strong state-wide candidate. O’Rourke pushed Ted Cruz to the brink in their US Senate contest. Greg Abbott is not as politically strong as Cruz, so in an anti-incumbent year where all incumbents could be in jeopardy, a Texas-sized upset could be brewing.

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