With a never-ending sea of changes and patch notes sitting upon the horizon, League of Legends players are constantly trying to sift through their information-ridden meta in an effort to climb the rankings. As support players try to find the latest ways to protect their allies, they may come to realize that their most significant decisions are made not during the game, but rather during champion selection.
With team comps and synergy being the traditional priorities during the pre-game lobby, prioritizing the right champions and playstyles can ultimately mean the difference between victory and defeat. So whether they provide healing and shielding or crowd control (CC) with engagement options, the following supports all feature dynamic kits that are sure to assist players in their pursuit of the highly coveted LP.
10 Braum
With a health bar as broad as his shoulders, Braum is unlike any other support. His passive – Concussive Blows – is incredibly dynamic, and after securing its first stack, every proceeding attack from both allies and himself adds to it. Upon the count of four, his enemies become frozen in place. His Q damages and slows his enemies, giving his passive a headstart. This allows Braum to create opportunities for both fighting and fleeing.
His most iconic ability, however, is his E, Unbreakable, which negates the first incoming attack and lessens any following damage. His W, aptly titled “Stand Behind Me,” allows Braum to leap toward allies, boosting their stats. Lastly, his ultimate – Glacial Fissure – knocks up and slows nearby enemies in a straight line. Providing an array of CC in addition to sturdiness and the ability to protect his teammates, players will never have to worry when Braum is at their side.
9 Yuumi
One of the easiest yet strongest support champions, Yuumi often finds herself being her team’s unsung hero. With an incredibly annoying spell kit, players who are tired of walking around the rift will enjoy utilizing her W – You And Me – which attaches Yuumi to allies. Additionally, her Prowling Projectiles allow her to inflict damage while resting on the shoulders of her companions.
Her passive – Bop ‘N’ Block – helps her garner shielding for her carry during the laning phase. What is revered most about Yuumi is her healing and ultimate abilities. Her Zoomies replenish health bars while providing boosts to movement and attack speed. Her ultimate – Final Chapter – channels seven waves of magical damage that roots enemies in place after succumbing to three hits. With this cute yet ferocious feline at their disposal, death timers and gray screens will become strangers to those that include her in their champion pool.
8 Thresh
The warden of the underworld, Thresh, is one of League’s most recognizable yet difficult supports. Boasting a high-light littered past, this champ is here to ensure that enemies never get too close nor too far. His passive allows him to collect the souls of enemies, gaining both armor and ability power.
The ability most responsible for his popularity is his Q. Death Sentence features Thresh throwing his scythe, chaining and pulling those hit towards him. Upon recasting, Thresh pulls himself towards the target. His Flay features a twofold ability. Its passive winds up attacks over time to bring added damage, and its activation knocks enemies in the direction that it’s aimed. His W – Dark Passage – grants teammates both a shield and an escape route. His ultimate – The Box – creates a prison of walls that damage and slows the opponents, and it becomes obvious why Thresh is so heavily featured in the professional scene.
7 Nautilus
Similar to Thresh, Nautilus is an alternative for those who don’t want to deal with the nuance of Thresh’s abilities. His passive – Staggering Blow – causes damage and roots enemies in place, providing free CC. Nautilus’ shield ability, Titan’s Wrath, boosts his damage in addition to harming those surrounding his target, allowing for him to have maximum efficiency during team fights.
His hook, unlike Thresh’s, pulls Nautilus and his target together immediately. It can also be used on terrains, something that can help when trying to engage or retreat. His Riptide ability creates waves that slow and damage opponents. Finally, his ultimate – Depth Charge- sends shockwaves toward opponents, knocking up anyone in its path on the way towards Nautilus’ original target who’s knocked up even greater and subsequently stunned. With this much CC potential, Nautilus is the ultimate champion for going all-in and securing kills.
6 Senna
Senna is the perfect champion is for those seeking a more hands-on and damaging approach to the support role. With heavy auto-attacks and a soul-reaping passive that boosts her damage, range, and critical strike chance, Senna is not to be taken lightly. Pairing her attacks with her Q – Piercing Darkness – which heals allies while damaging enemies, makes her relentless.
Her W – Last Embrace – roots enemies, allowing her to tee off with those aforementioned auto-attacks and Q’s. Her E – Curse Of The Black Mist – cloaks Senna and nearby allies while providing a speed boost, allowing for quick escapes. Her ultimate – Dawning Shadow – fires a globalized beam, shielding allies and damaging enemies caught in its path. In summation, Senna keeps the spirit of support alive with healing despite her knack for being a secondary AD Carry.
5 Lulu
As cute as she is annoying, Lulu is a shielding powerhouse. Accompanied by her fairy companion Pix, Lulu’s autos can sting. Paired with her Q – Glitterlance – a damaging bolt of magic, she’s able to provide poke damage during the early game.
Her W – Whimsy – provides speed boosts for allies or, if used on enemies, transforms them into useless woodland creatures. Her E – Help, Pix! – sends the fairy to her target, damaging enemies or shielding while bolstering attacks for allies. Her ultimate – Wild Growth – enlarges a teammate, granting them boosted health and a slowing aura. While the duplicity of her spells may require some adjustments, mastering this diverse skill set can allow players to be prepared for any type of encounter.
4 Alistar
Alistar has been a mainstay in the bottom lane since the inception of League. The brazing bull provides healing with his Triumphant Roar, which procs every time he’s in range of dying minions. Additionally, he provides an ample amount of CC. His Q – Pulverize – knocks enemies into the air, and his W – Headbutt – hurls Alistar towards enemies, knocking them back upon contact. Timing the arrival of his W with the casting of his Q makes for a very powerful engagement.
Additionally, Alistar can use his Trample ability to lock down enemies to prevent them from escaping. Should he get into trouble, his Unbreakable Will ultimate will free him from all CC and reduce all incoming damage. If players are looking for a tanky option with plenty of CC, take this bull for a ride.
3 Soraka
Complete with a strong kit and a lovely array of in-game skins, Soraka fashionably encapsulates the role of the healer. With a passive that boosts her movement speed towards low-health allies and an ultimate that heals her entire team, the celestial wanderer’s sole focus is on keeping others alive. Her W – Astral Infusion – even allows her to sacrifice a portion of her health to her cohorts, truly making her a team player.
Apart from healing, Soraka features skill-shot abilities with the potential for CC. Her E – Equinox – also allows players to silence and entrap opponents who remain inside its field for too long. In a game that’s as selfish as League, Soraka stands out as the most selfless champion on the rift.
2 Morgana
For those looking to play things safe, Morgana stands out as the definitive anti-engage support. Her premiere ability – Black Shield – grants just that to either herself or her allies, protecting them from incoming CC. With the Soul Siphon passive allowing her to heal by damaging enemies, Morgana is designed to keep everyone safe.
Her Q – Dark Binding – locks opponents down. This sets up her W – Tormented Shadow – which casts a cursed area that deals magic damage. Once players have bought a Zonhya’s Hourglass, she can offer great team fight engagement as well. By using her ultimate – Soul Shackles – to bind enemies while activating the hourglasses’ ability to remain unphased, she can turn around any team fight. Simply put, this champ’s abilities are as binding as her appearance.
1 Renata Glasc
League’s latest support, Renata Glasc, is arguably the most dynamic option yet. Her Leverage passive marks enemies, allowing carries to deal bonus damage. This pairs with her W – Bailout – which gifts speed boosts to allies. When used in a timely manner, it can be game-changing as it allows her teammates the opportunity to escape death.
Her Q – Handshake – roots enemies, throwing them upon recast. Her E ability, similar to Senna’s Q, damages enemies while shielding allies. However, her ultimate is the most unique aspect of her kit. Hostile Takeover causes enemies to go berserk, attacking each other. Whether it’s starting an empire or stealing your enemies’ LP, Glasc is certainly the woman for the job.
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